Weekly reading 1/08/2024

Cozy Witch Tarot - Queen of Wands , Eight of Swords, and Nine of Wands.

This week we are using a new favorite and probably a long time weekly reading deck, The Cozy Witch Tarot.

I have decided to do the reading at both my blog here & my Instagram.

This week we may feel like we have to do “all the things,” but that really isn’t the case, we are making things a bit harder than it has to be. Create a to-do-list and prioritize the list so you can do the most important things first. Even if you feel like everything is against you this week you have what it takes to get it all done and then some. When you can, even if it’s just a minute, take a break and remind yourself that you ROCK, and that you can do anything you desire.

Tell me does this reading resonate with you? Leave a comment below.

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  • Email Readings

  • Mp3/Audio Readings

  • Recorded Video Readings (we don’t meet live)


Weekly reading 1/29/2024


Helping spirits cross